Monday, January 26, 2009

New Year's Day Dinner!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Okay--I took one of these photos, Jam Guy took the rest. Guess which one I took.

The spread

Fried trout with black bean sauce and garden greens

Wontons, from our inexact family recipe

Changde Rice Noodles with Red-Braised Beef, from Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook: Recipes from Hunan Province by Fuschia Dunlop

and the somewhat incongruous but super-festive and delicious Chocolate-Cherry Upside Down Cake, from Spoonbread and Strawberry Wine: Recipes and Reminiscences of a Family, by Norma Jean and Carol Darden.

I know. We used the same camera and everything.


Mayumi said...

Who cares who took which photo when you are making me drool so hard I fear for the life of my Bluetooth keyboard??

Jennica Goo said...

MMMMMMMmmmmm!!!! If that's not food porn, i don't know what is....

Unknown said...

Won ton! I want won ton! Like...40 of them.